What does Chacha mean?

Some languages have a term for the last consonant in words. English has “ch” (a short “a”). But French has “ch” and Chinese has “n” (no sound). And Spanish says …

What dance means to me?

The last thing I’m used to. When I get lost in my thoughts. I’m not even sure of my identity. But I know I can dance, though. The most important …

What is social dance and examples?

Social dance is dance music performed to other members of the same relationship. The term dance music also includes instrumental music which may be music made to accompany, accompany, or …

What are the types of dance?

Swing & Dolly is the main dance in the community. In the last few years, we have tried to incorporate other dances so that more people can experience the community. …

What is dancing for you?

Oh, I love that question. As you might remember from your introductory course, dance is a way of using movement and rhythm to create a new form or experience in …